Anti-Evaporation oil, ibidi

Supplier: Ibidi
MSPP-50051EA 492.31 USD
Anti-Evaporation oil, ibidi
Stains Microscopy and staining reagents
A biocompatible silicone oil used to prevent medium evaporation in cell culture applications.

  • Excellent reduction of medium evaporation
  • Ready to use
  • Dry-heat sterilized for direct use
  • Viscosity optimized for cell culture
  • Compatible with microscopy
  • Compatible with all ibidi products and cell culture applications

Appearance: Optically clear in dry atmosphere
Density (20°C): 1.05 g/ml
Viscosity (20°C): Ca. 200 mPa ∙ s
Refractive index nD: 1.453
Temperature stability: 121°C (dry-heat only)
Storage of product: Dark, room temperature
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