Axygen® Tip Refill System, Empty Racks, Corning

Supplier: Corning
RFL-R-1200 RFL-R
89080-486CS 87.63 USD
89080-486 89029-922
Axygen® Tip Refill System, Empty Racks, Corning
Pipette Tip Boxes and Racks
Axygen® Tip Refill System contains durable refill rack that can be easily refilled by hand and is autoclavable.

  • RFL-R-1200 is suitable for 1200 µl refill inserts
  • RFL-R is suitable for 10 and 200 µl refill inserts
  • RNase- and DNase-free, non pyrogenic
  • Translucent rack allows tips to be easily seen
  • Color-coded insert allows for easy identification of tip

They are available in different colors and are packaged in bulk or racks.
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