Sterisart® NF Sterility Test Systems, Sartorius

Supplier: Sartorius
16477GBD 16468GBD 16467GBD 16475GBD 16420 16419 16475GSD 16478GBD 16419 16466GBD 16469GBD 16420 16470GBD 16469GSD 16476GSD 16476GBD 16466GSD 16467GSD
76420-838PK 632.67 USD
76420-838 76420-816 76420-826 76420-814 76420-836 76420-824 76409-140 76420-828 76409-142 CA76409-140 76420-830 76420-840 CA76409-142 76420-834 76420-822 76420-832 76420-820 76420-842
Sterisart® NF Sterility Test Systems, Sartorius
Filters Membrane Filter Units
The Sterisart® NF System is a completely disposable technology based on the membrane filtration method, for the sterility testing of pharmaceutical products. It makes aseptic sampling easy, during or after incubation which is required for dilution or rapid detection, or for the supplement of additives for inactivation of antibiotics.

  • Sterisart NF alpha, dual-needle metal spike for closed containers
  • Sharp Metal needle for easy penetration
  • High retention of microbes
  • Low adsorption
  • Huge variety of adapters and more than 20 different unit types
  • Gas-impermeable packaging for protection against sterilant
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