Organics High Sensitivity Nebulizer Complete Assembly with Pt/Ir Needle for AAnalyst, PerkinElmer

Supplier: PerkinElmer
B0505480 B0505480
97013-652EA 3854.36 USD
97013-652 CA97013-652
Organics High Sensitivity Nebulizer Complete Assembly with Pt/Ir Needle for AAnalyst, PerkinElmer
This High Sensitivity Nebulizer Assembly, with Platinum/Iridium needle and Kalrez O-rings, is for use with AAnalyst® 100/300/200/400/700/800 and earlier AA series instruments. It provides maximum sensitivity, precision and freedom from analytical interferences.

A complete High-Sensitivity plastic body nebulizer featuring Kalrez O-rings and Platinum/Iridium needle. The body is fabricated of inert plastic materials for maximum performance and corrosion resistance. This high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir needle is for most solutions, but not for precious metal samples containing aqua regia.

Delivery information: This assembly includes: Impact Bead (1) (97012-848), Solvent resistant O-Ring for Nebulizer Body (1) (97012-798) Nebulizer Body (1) (101676-644) Spring (1) (97013-048), Solvent Resistant O-Ring for Capillary Assembly (1) (97012-794), Pt/Ir Capillary Assembly with O-Ring (1) (101684-716), Locking Ring (1) (101674-330) Fine Adjustment Nut, (1) (101674-332). Its compatible with AAnalyst® 200/400/700/800* and Model 5100PC/5000/3300/3110/3100 AA instruments. The AAnalyst® 800 requires end cap assembly.
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