Clarity Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads/Swabs, Clarity Diagnostics

Supplier: Clarity Diagnostics
75840-802BX 2.39 USD
Clarity Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads/Swabs, Clarity Diagnostics
Wipes Disposable Wipes and Towels Disinfectant Wipes
These pads/swabs ensure reliable site preparation.

  • Ideal for use as an antiseptic cleanser
  • Supplied sterile
  • Medium size

Ideal for use in Physician offices, LTC, and hospitals, the Clarity Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads/Swabs are made from high-quality and durable material. These pads are comparable to Dynarex, Medline Alcohol Swabs.

Packaging: Individually packaged; 100 per box
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