Hematoxylin solution Gill I, VWR® stain for histology, for cytology

Supplier: VWR International

Synonyms: HydroxybrasilinDcH-48Natural Black I

7012-G 7012-16
10143-142CS 2051.12 USD
10143-142 10143-144
Hematoxylin solution Gill I, VWR® stain for histology, for cytology
Hematoxylin staining solutions

Gill 1X is ideal for routine cytology staining. This single strength formulation optimally stains gynecological and non-gynecological specimens.

  • Crisp, clear staining
  • Well-defined cytoplasm
  • ready-to-use

General purpose nuclear stain, progressive type. Used with hematoxylin and eosin staining. Gill 2X and Gill 3X should be used when a stronger or darker nuclear stain is required for histology samples. FDA approved for in vitro diagnostic use. For Professional Use Only.

Formula: C₁₆H₁₄O₆
MW: 302.28 g/mol
Storage Temperature: Ambient
MDL Number: MFCD00078111
CAS Number: 517-28-2

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Specification Test Results

Absorbance (Visible Scan 700- 400nm) @~560 nm ≥125 MA

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