DNA/RNA Shield™ Fecal Collection Tube, Zymo Research

Supplier: Zymo Research
76020-422EA 143 USD
DNA/RNA Shield™ Fecal Collection Tube, Zymo Research
Clinical Diagnostic Supplies Clinical Sample Collection/Preparation Faeces Sample Collection
Store and inactivate fecal samples with innovative collection devices which include a fecal scoop cup, swab collection system and lysis tubes.

  • Spoon attached to screwcap
  • RNA: Ambient temperature (4 to 25 °C) >1 month
  • DNA: Ambient temperature (4 to 25 °C) >2 years
  • DNA and RNA: Frozen (<–20 °C) indefinitely

Samples collected are ready for all sensitive downstream analyses (microbiomic, next-generation sequencing, qPCR, microarray and more.

DNA/RNA transport medium for stool samples. 1 g or 1 ml stool, soil, environmental samples can be collected.
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