Airfree® Schlenk Solvent Distillation Heads, Chemglass

Supplier: Chemglass
AF-0700-01 AF-0700-02
80060-162EA 1722.39 USD
80060-162 80060-164
Airfree® Schlenk Solvent Distillation Heads, Chemglass
Desiccators Desiccators, Glass
Still head in 125 or 500ml capacity for use in re-purification of solvents under inert atmosphere.

  • Eliminates multiple connections usually associated with distillation setup
  • Equipped with 0 to 4 mm Chem-Vac™ Chem-Cap® valves for grease-free, leakproof seals
  • Incorporates a 4 mm PTFE stopcock with a 14/20 outer joint for use with septum stoppers

One-piece design of condenser and storage reservoir eliminates multiple connections usually associated with distillation setup. Lower 3-way valve (C) allows for solvent return to flask, take-off, or storage in graduated reservoir. Syringe access port (B) incorporates a 4 mm PTFE stopcock with a 14/20 outer joint for use with septum stoppers, permitting repeated syringe punctures or changes of the septum without breaching the integrity of the solvent. Valve (A) allows for isolation of the still from the inert gas source. Valve (D) permits evacuation and purging of the receiver flask. Uptake tube (F) is a 24/40 inner joint, while the takeoff connection (E) is a 14/20 inner joint.
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