µ-Slide, 8-Well, Ibidi USA MS

Supplier: IBIDI USA MS
80826 80827 80821 80824
MSPP-80826PK 369.23 USD
MSPP-80826 MSPP-80827 MSPP-80821 MSPP-80824
µ-Slide, 8-Well, Ibidi USA MS
Slides Chamber Slides
Designed for high-end microscopic analysis of fixed or living cells.

  • Excellent cell growth on tissue culture treated surface (ibiTreat)
  • Proven mechanical and chemical stability
  • Broad range of sizes and coatings
  • High-resolution microscopy through a coverslip-like bottom
  • 1.0 cm² growth area per well

Ideal for live cell imaging applications like cell cultivation microscopy, transfection, protein localization and high-content microscopy.
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