Perfusion Two™ Automated Perfusion Instrument, Leica

Supplier: Leica
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10030-382EA 7204 USD
Perfusion Two™ Automated Perfusion Instrument, Leica
Tissue Processors
This Perfusion two automated pressure perfusion system includes an automated air compressor that quietly pumps the air tank of the perfusion one up to 300 mm Hg and stops.

  • Quicker fixation as pressure washout gets all blood cells out in about five seconds
  • Better tissue quality
  • Removing all red bloods cells reduces HRP background and autofluoroesence
  • Avoid soft tissue shrinkage

As each animal is being prepared, the pressure is set up to begin at the turn of a switch. Pressure above physiological pressure is required to clear all blood vessels and leave no red blood cells. This system gives much greater consistency and more reproducable perfusions.

Delivery information: Includes 4 one liter bottles, 4 sizes of gavage needles for transcardiac perfusion, pressure pump box with pressure switches, tubing set for mouse and rat.
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