E.Z.N.A.® FFPE DNA Kit, Omega

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
D3399-00 D3399-01 D3399-01 D3399-00
75839-342EA 188.54 USD
CA11006-984 75839-342 CA11006-982 75839-340
E.Z.N.A.® FFPE DNA Kit, Omega
Nucleic Acid Reagents Nucleic Acid Purification Kits and Reagents
The E.Z.N.A.® FFPE DNA Kit is designed for fast and easy purification of DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections

After adjusting the binding conditions with ethanol, the lysate is applied to the MicroElute DNA column to bind DNA. Cellular debris and proteins are effectively removed during the wash steps. High quality purified DNA is then eluted in elution buffer or water and is ready for applications such as PCR and next-generation sequencing.

Paraffin removal can be performed using a xylene and ethanol method or an efficient heat treatment. Samples are incubated in a specialized lysis buffer along with Proteinase K to reverse crosslinking, effectively releasing short and long DNA fragments.
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