Meyerding Retractor, OR Grade, Sklar

Supplier: Sklar
22-8210 22-8211 22-8212 22-8213 22-8214 22-8215
89025-404EA 243.07 USD
89025-404 89025-406 89025-408 89025-410 89025-412 89025-414
Meyerding Retractor, OR Grade, Sklar
Meyerding Retractor is a single end, handheld retractor commonly used in small surgical sites. Retractors are available with a variety of blade widths and tip styles.

The blade is typically at a right angle, but may also be strongly curved

Censitrac Ready OR Grade Meyerding Retractors are industry standard and constructed of stainless steel.

It may have a smooth tip, a saw-toothed tip, or pronged tip. It features a single finger ring at the opposite end of the tip and a smooth, flat section between the finger ring and tip to provide many handling options.

Ordering information: Censitrac instruments are custom barcoded to reflect the facility. This is unique customization. The initial order for the facility can take 14 to 30 days, subsequent orders can take less time.

Caution: Customers must have a Censitrac Site ID to purchase Censitrac instruments.
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