pGL4.23[luc2/minP], pGL4.24[luc2P/minP] and pGL4.25[luc2CP/minP] Vectors offer different firefly luciferase protein stabilities for expression in mammalian cells. Clone a response element of interest upstream of the minimal promoter and reporter gene.
- Vectors Used for Cloning a Response Element Upstream of Firefly Luciferase Gene
- Minimal promoter (minP) helps drive expression of luciferase when a response element is cloned upstream
- Available with three varieties of engineered firefly luciferase genes: luc2, luc2P or luc2CP
Creating a cell line with an indicator of a functional signaling pathway is useful for deciphering the components in a signaling pathway. These tools are made by inserting multiple repeats of a response element upstream of a minimal promoter (minP). To construct pathway reporters, there are minimal promoter (minP) vectors with three varieties of engineered firefly luciferase genes: luc2, luc2P or luc2CP. The luc2 gene is engineered to remove most cryptic transcription factor binding sites and improve mammalian expression through codon optimization. The luc2P and luc2CP and RapidResponse genes are luc2 genes appended with degradation sequences to influence the cellular half-life of the luc2 gene. The RapidResponse genes respond more rapidly to stimuli but at the expense of signal intensity. The luc2P (1-hour half-life) gene responds more rapidly than luc2 (3-hour half-life) with moderate signal intensity, and the luc2CP (0.4-hour half-life) responds more quickly with the lowest signal intensity. The pGL4.23[luc2/minP], pGL4.24[luc2P/minP] and pGL4.25[luc2CP/minP] Vectors come without a selectable marker. To speed research, several pre-designed response element vectors based on the pGL4.27 Vector are available. Some of these also are available stable cell lines (GloResponse Cell Lines).