Super Shield™ Symulator™ Peroxidase (HRP) Conjugate and Protein Stabilizer, ImmunO4
Supplier: Immuno4 LLC
Preserves and stabilizes the activity of Peroxidase (HRP) conjugates and proteins used in immunoassays and molecular assays.
- Protein free
- Uses natural biomolecular stabilizing agents
- Can use as a Synthetic Replacement
- Minimizes background interactions and issues
- Eliminates BSE regulatory concerns
- ImmunO4 SSSZR™ is compatible and works well with ImmunO4 Coat Block Diluents
- Room temperature stable reagent
- Stable through freeze cycles
- Superior HRP and protein stabilizer
SSSZR™ is designed as a ready-to-use buffer and stabilizer for immunoassays and molecular assays
This protein-free stabilizer was developed with natural biomolecular stabilizing agents to maximize the life of your HRP conjugates and proteins while eliminating non-specific protein interactions. It provides superior protection compared to competitor products. The stabilizer is supplied as a one component liquid, ready-to-use formula.
It can be used for high concentration stock and dilute conjugate solutions. Super Shield™ can be used directly as an assay buffer. Super Shield™ is stable and can be used at room temperature or 2° to 8°C. It stabilizes dilute conjugates for months at room temperature.
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