67 Bump Cap, ERB Safety

Supplier: ERB Safety
19111 19116 19112 19114 19119
10159-638CS 84.78 USD
10159-638 10611-554 10159-634 10159-636 10159-648
67 Bump Cap, ERB Safety
Head Protection Bump Caps
The number one bump cap in America.

  • Perforated sides allow cross ventilation for maximum air circulation
  • Moisture-wicking brow pad is removable, washable, and replaceable
  • Pin-lock sizing adjusts from head sizes 6.5 to 7.75
  • Total cap weight is 7.34 oz.
  • Not a hard hat

The Bump Cap is ideal for protecting the head from lacerations, minor bumps, and bruises in areas that do not require certified safety helmets. These caps are designed for use in industries such as automotive, pest control, meat packing, food processing, and assembly facilities.
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