Lithium Borate Fusion Fluxes, XRF Scientific

Supplier: XRF Scientific
1007300MB 1020100MB 1019200MB 1019300MB 1012500MB 1013800MB 1017820MB 1017800MB 1008600MB 1012600MB 1008500MB 1001300MB 1003200MB
10119-392KG 303.37 USD
10119-392 10119-394 10119-384 10119-396 10119-386 10119-398 10119-390 10119-408 10119-388 10119-400 10119-402 10119-404 10119-406
Lithium Borate Fusion Fluxes, XRF Scientific
Welding Supplies
Lithium borate fusion fluxes are designed for sample preparation in XRF, AA, or ICP analysis

These prefused, granular fluxes offer the highest purities. They exhibit excellent homogeneity, and are free flowing, non-dusty, and high density. Low loss of ignition and consistent chemistry for the best results.

Fluxes are ideally suited for sample preparation for Iron Ore, Bauxite, Cement, Silica, Rocks, Ferro Alloys, Sulphides, Carbonates, and Coal Ash.
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