OxiSelect™ In Vitro Nitric Oxide (Nitrite/Nitrate) Assay Kits, Cell Biolabs

Supplier: Cell Biolabs

STA-801 STA-801-5 STA-802 STA-802-5
102965-260EA 516.92 USD
102965-260 102965-262 102965-264 102965-266
OxiSelect™ In Vitro Nitric Oxide (Nitrite/Nitrate) Assay Kits, Cell Biolabs
Assays Cellular Assays

Cell Biolabs’ OxiSelect™ Nitric Oxide (Nitrite/Nitrate) Assay Kit is a simple, colorimetric assay that quantitatively measures NO in various samples by NO2-/NO3- determination.  First, the nitrate (NO3-) in the sample is converted to nitrite (NO2-) by nitrate reductase enzyme.  Next, total nitrite is detected with Griess Reagents as a dye product.  Kits are available with either colorimetric or fluorometric detection.

Each kit provides sufficient reagents to perform up to 100 assays using a 96-well microtiter plate format, including blanks, standards and unknown samples.  The kit is suitable for serum, plasma, urine, saliva, lysates, and media with detection sensitivity limit of about 2 µM (in 50 µL sample volume). 

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