Heaney Retractor, OR Grade, Sklar

Supplier: Sklar
60-1616 60-1617 60-1618
10197-272EA 221.18 USD
10197-272 10197-706 10197-708
Heaney Retractor, OR Grade, Sklar
Sklar's Heaney Retractor is a handheld, single end retractor commonly used to hold back the anterior vaginal wall in OB/GYN procedures

It has a 90°, smooth, flat blade available in three sizes.

Ordering information: Censitrac instruments are custom barcoded to reflect the facility. This is unique customization. The initial order for the facility can take 14 to 30 days, subsequent orders can take less time.

Caution: Customers must have a Censitrac Site ID to purchase Censitrac instruments.
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