T-Shirt Bags, Elkay Plastics

Supplier: Elkay Plastics
CT1824W CT1923TYD CT1318W
10789-840CS 191.93 USD
10789-840 10789-842 10790-210
T-Shirt Bags, Elkay Plastics
Bags Storage Bags
High molecular weight, high density film makes Plastronic® T-Shirt bags strong and durable.

  • Bags are offered in various colors, styles as well as Thank You print

They’re embossed for easy opening, and are packaged in a low cube dispenser carton that’s easy to use at the retail counter and stores. These bags are made with controlled-life technology that enables them to break down in the presence of sunlight, heat, moisture, and outdoor elements, but still allows them to be recycled with regular HDPE material.
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