Pellet Paint® NF Co-Precipitant, MilliporeSigma
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Pellet Paint NF Co-Precipitant is a nonfluorescent dye-labeled carrier compatible with fluorescent sequencing.
- Efficient and rapid precipitation of sequencing products
- Efficient removal of dye terminators
- Direct visualization and tracking of precipitated material
- No effect on sequencing reaction
- Substitute for original Pellet Paint® Co-Precipitant for fluorescent detection applications
It facilitates rapid removal of BigDye Terminators during the alcohol precipitation of cycle sequencing reaction products
To avoid extra sample handling, this can be added directly to the reaction mix, template DNA, crude PCR samples, or dilution buffer before the cycle sequencing reaction. Although it absorbs in the UV range, accurate spectrophotometric measurements of DNA or RNA samples are possible.
Cycle sequencing reactions can be precipitated rapidly with 1 µl of carrier per reaction and centrifugation times of 10 minutes. Resuspension of pelleted sequencing reaction products in deionized formamide can be confirmed by checking for dissolution of the carrier.
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