Whatman™ Vacuum Type Glass Membrane Holders, Whatman products (Cytiva)

Supplier: Whatman products (Cytiva)
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1960-004 1960-052 1960-032 1960-009 1960-002 1960-004 1960-054 1960-009 1960-002 1960-032 1960-054 1960-052
28454-620EA 600.36 USD
CA28454-620 CA28454-610 CA28454-640 28454-620 CA28454-630 28454-610 28454-640 CA28454-650 28454-630 28454-650 CA11013-186 10035-720
Whatman™ Vacuum Type Glass Membrane Holders, Whatman products (Cytiva)
Funnels Membrane Filter Funnels
Produced from borosilicate glass and available with a choice of support screen.

  • Sintered glass support is recommended for filtration and biological analysis
  • 304 stainless steel support screen is suitable for use with proteinaceous solutions

Suitable for aqueous and organic solvent filtration. The funnel seal ensures that the sample does not bypass the membrane and that particulates are retained on the surface of the membrane.

Chemical resistant to most aqueous and organic solutions as well as acid and caustic solution resistant.

Applications include: - food & beverage (e.g cold sludge in beer; ice cream), pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, water and wastewater, residue analytics and precipitation analysis, contamination tests (e.g in electroplating), microbiological, biochemical, and hydrobiological detection, radiochemical tests, particle analysis in sensitive areas of electronics, aviation, and space travel.
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