Minimum Essential Medium (EMEM), Quality Biological


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Minimum Essential Medium (EMEM), Quality Biological
Cell Culture Media

Eagle’s minimal essential medium (EMEM) is a cell culture medium developed by Harry Eagle that can be used to maintain cells in tissue culture.

  • Basal medium with different variations.

MEM was developed by Dr. Harry Eagle to overcome problems encountered when attempting to grow normal fibroblasts and certain sub-types of HeLa cells. Many other modification of MEM followed including alpha- MEM, MEM Spinner and EMEM.

MEM Spinner was developed when calcium component was removed from the MEM medium, and resulted in a medium that supports the growth of cells in suspension.

Alpha MEM is the most enriched variation of the MEM formulation offered. It contains all 21 normal amino acids, some at increased concentrations. In addition, it contains 5 additional vitamins.

EMEM (Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium) has a higher amino acid concentration and 2 to 5 times greater vitamin concentration than BME, permitting longer periods between feedings.

Sterile Filtered
Harmonization Code: 3821.00.0000

Certifications: Manufactured under a cGMP compliant quality management system in an ISO 9001:2015 certified facility.

Caution: Research Use Only

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