Differential Quick Stain, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
26096-50 26096-25
102773-656EA 539.63 USD
102773-656 102773-654
Differential Quick Stain, Electron Microscopy Sciences
Stains Hematology Stains
This kit is a Modified Giemsa Stain kit for quick turnaround results. It may be used for rapid blood smears for differential assessment, as well as for the detection of H. Pylori microorganisms.

  • The stain offers results in 15 seconds
  • Comes with a fixative for air dried cell suspensions and or touch preparation slides

Used for fine needle aspirations, frozen sections, blood smears, cytological specimens, cytopreps, microorganism detection and bone marrow biopsies.

Certifications: Certificates of analysis are available.

Ordering information: The Kit comes complete with 3 solutions and is available in 3 sizes.
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