Starfish PolyBlock, Heidolph Radleys

Supplier: Heidolph
15890200 015890160 15890180 15890190 15890240 15890170 015892050 015890230 15890210 015890160 15890220 015890230 015892050
89030-274EA 423.39 USD
CA11007-778 89030-274 CA11008-230 47800-042 47800-040 47800-050 CA11007-780 47800-048 47800-038 47800-046 47800-036 47800-044 47800-034
Starfish PolyBlock, Heidolph Radleys
Block Heaters Blocks
StarFish PolyBlocks are "pie-shaped" segments that you can mix and match (up to five) to accommodate various types/sizes of vessels on the same plate

Custom blocks are also available, should you have a vessel that is not accommodated by the standard range. Made of anodized aluminum for strong chemical resistance and excellent heat transfer.
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