Micrewtube® Microcentrifuge Tube with Screw Cap, Simport Scientific

Supplier: Simport
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89499-666CS 298.98 USD
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Micrewtube® Microcentrifuge Tube with Screw Cap, Simport Scientific
Tubes Microcentrifuge Tubes
MICREWTUBE® is ideal for freezer storage, boiling application and centrifugation.

The cap is molded with a deep internal lip that fits snugly against the interior wall of the tube thus preventing the contents from coming in contact with the seal or threads. In the silicone O-ring version, tubes and caps are made of polypropylene. Will withstand temperatures from –196 to +121 °C and are autoclavable. In the lip seal version, tubes are made of polypropylene and caps are made of high density polyethylene. Will withstand temperatures from –196 to +110 °C.

All tubes and closures are manufactured in a clean environment. Tubes and screw caps are made of heavy wall construction and are built to last. Non skirted tubes withstand high speed centrifugation up to 20000×g, skirted tubes up to 17000×g.

and will fit most standard microcentrifuge rotors. Six styles of caps to choose from and three sizes of conical bottom or self-standing tubes (0.5, 1.5 and 2 ml) are available in sterile and non sterile format. All sterile tubes are gamma irradiated and packaged in tamperproof, resealable bags to protect remaining tubes from contamination.

Certifications: Certified RNase, DNase, DNA and Pyrogen free.

Caution: Do not use Micrewtubes for storage in the liquid phase of liquid nitrogen. Such use may cause entrapment of liquefied nitrogen inside the vial and lead to pressure build-up resulting in possible explosion or biohazard release. Use appropriate safety procedures when handling and disposing of vials.
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