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9  results were found

EOM Beryllium

1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium, this element was known as glucinium, which originated from the Greek word gly...

What Can You Do?

What Can You Do? Sustainability is a shared responsibility. Align with VWR and our suppliers to engage in sustainable business practices. For more information, please contact Electronic Invoicing Electronic invoicing avoids...


Pipetting-Academies.indd Your training tool for better health and safety in the lab Pipetting Academy is designed to offer a comprehensive solution to questions you may have regarding pipetting techniques, ergonomics and pipette calibration Sartor...

New Ricca Hand Sanitizer

New Ricca Hand Sanitizer In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ricca has produced a new hand sanitizer formulated to the World Health Organization's (WHO) formula II. This isopropyl alcohol-based liquid hand sanitizer is effective for sanitizing b...

Element of Month Hydrogen v2

1 All About Elements: Hydrogen | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Hydrogen 1. Robert Boyle produced hydrogen gas as early as 1671 while he was experimenting with iron and acids. 2. Under the extreme pressures...

Element of Month Lithum v2

1 All About Elements: Lithium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Lithium 1. Elemental lithium can float in mineral oil. 2. Lithium was one of the elements produced during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The other t...

1462 Element of Month Beryllium

1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium, this element was known as glucinium, which originated from the Greek word gly...

Element of Month Helium

1 All About Elements: Helium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About…Helium 1. Helium is the second most abundant ele- ment after hydrogen in the universe and solar system. Approximately 11.3% of all atoms in the u...

WS Element of Month Carbon IA

1 All About Elements: Carbon | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Carbon 1. Graphine, an allotrope of carbon, is the strongest, thinnest, and best conductor of heat known to man. It was creat...