You Searched For: Protein Purification Kits

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Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: The MagneHis Protein Purification System provides a magnetic-based, rapid method for the purification of polyhistidine- or HQ-tagged, expressed protei...
Supplier: Biotium
Description: AccuOrange™ Protein Quantitation Kit is a highly sensitive fluorescence-based assay for quantitating purified protein samples in 96-well format (excit...

Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: The MagneHis Protein Purification System provides a magnetic-based, rapid method for the purification of polyhistidine- or HQ-tagged, expressed protei...
Catalog Number: (89168-060)
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: G-Biosciences' Pearl™ Monoclonal IgG Purification kit allows for the rapid purification of antibodies from cell culture supernatant and ascites fluid


Catalog Number: (PAG6790)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: HaloTag Mammalian Protein Purification System is an optimized kit for purification of HaloTag fusion proteins from mammalian cell culture lysates. Hal...


Catalog Number: (71003-270)
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: G-Biosciences' Pearl™ Antibody Clean Up Kit is for the removal of BSA & Gelatin protein stabilizers that interfere with antibody labeling, fragmentati...


Catalog Number: (PAV8603)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: MagneGST Protein Purification System provides a simple, rapid and reliable method for the purification of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion prote...

Catalog Number: (PAG6500)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: The HaloTag Mammalian Pull-Down Systems capture and purify intracellular protein complexes for correlative cellular localization and real-time imaging...


Catalog Number: (PAG6509)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: The HaloTag Mammalian Pull-Down Systems capture and purify intracellular protein complexes for correlative cellular localization and real-time imaging...


Catalog Number: (82022-698)
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: PhosphoQuant™ is specifically designed for quick and reliable determination of whether a purified protein is phosphorylated and the extent of phosphor...

Catalog Number: (PAG9410)
Supplier: Promega Corporation
Description: The HaloCHIP System is designed for the covalent capture of intracellular protein:DNA complexes without the use of antibodies. An efficient alternativ...

Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The Pierce™ protease and phosphatase inhibitor tablets contains protease and/or phosphatase inhibitors to provide broad spectrum complete protections ...
Catalog Number: (PI45208)
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The Melon Gel Spin Plate Kit for IgG Screening offers a high-throughput format for quick purification and screening of antibodies.

Catalog Number: (PI26180)
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Pierce™ HA-Tag IP/Co-IP kit provides the affinity resin, positive control and other reagents necessary to perform immunoprecipitation (IP) or co-immun...

Catalog Number: (PI26156)
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The Thermo Scientific Pierce Agarose ChIP Kit provides a complete set of reagents and a simple, fast and reproducible protocol to perform chromatin im...

Catalog Number: (PI44688)
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Pierce F(ab')2 Micro Preparation Kit uses immobilized pepsin protease to selectively digest whole human and other IgG antibodies to make F(ab')2 fragm...

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