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You Searched For: Other Electrodes

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Catalog Number: (470347-152)
Supplier: Healthcare Products
Description: Reliable connection for ECG.

Catalog Number: (76221-270)
Supplier: Argos Technologies
Description: Provides ATC for most current Oakton® pH meters.

Catalog Number: (75786-884)
Supplier: Healthcare Products
Description: This pediatric monitoring electrode has a highly permeable Micropore™ Tape backing.

Catalog Number: (470095-196)
Description: A medium bandwidth, high voltage 100x passive voltage probe with a 100 MΩ input impedance.

Catalog Number: (76249-630)
Description: Kelvin Test Probe Set consists of RG-174 cable with a BNC connector on one end and a Kelvin probe on the other end. Spring contacts of the Kelvin prob...

Catalog Number: (470315-126)
Supplier: Vernier Software & Technology
Description: Go Direct Photogate is a double-gate sensor that includes two photogates built into the arms of the sensor, which accurately measures velocity and acc...

Supplier: Healthcare Products
Description: Soft cloth backing is breathable, flexible and conformable, yet is gentle to the skin for increased patient comfort.

Catalog Number: (470112-962)
Supplier: Vernier Software & Technology
Description: The High Current Sensor has a range of ±10 A. Current is measured with a Hall Effect sensor, which uses the magnetic field created by the current and ...

Catalog Number: (470093-130)
Description: This zinc electrode is approximately 6 inches long by 3/4 inches wide. Each electrode is sold individually.

Catalog Number: (76251-530)
Description: Probes for 4-wire and 2-wire measurements.

Catalog Number: (470001-868)
Supplier: Vernier Software & Technology
Description: Use the Turbidity sensor to measure the turbidity of freshwater or seawater samples. Its small, sleek design and simple setup make it easy to use at t...

Catalog Number: (470338-798)
Supplier: Vernier Software & Technology
Description: Charge and store up to four Go Direct® Sensor Carts.

Catalog Number: (470310-202)
Supplier: Vernier Software & Technology
Description: The Go Direct Sound sensor is used to easily capture and evaluate waveforms. It directly connects via Bluetooth® wireless technology or wired via USB.

Catalog Number: (470095-192)
Description: A high bandwidth, high voltage 100x passive voltage probe with a 100 MΩ input impedance.

Catalog Number: (470095-198)
Description: A high bandwidth, high impedance 10x passive voltage probe with 10 MΩ input impedance. Probe features a readout actuator pin (sense pin) on the BNC c...


Catalog Number: (470017-560)
Supplier: Vernier Software & Technology
Description: The soil moisture sensor is used to measure the volumetric water content of soil. This makes it ideal for performing experiments in courses such as so...

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