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Catalog Number: (470162-704)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Easy and safe way to hold and power your tubes.

Catalog Number: (470220-454)
Description: Gamma Spectroscopy detector.

Catalog Number: (470162-712)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Generate a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the axis of the Teltron D series tubes.

Catalog Number: (470110-458)
Description: With this meter, you can survey for alpha, beta, and gamma radioactivity or monitor a work area.

Supplier: Science First
Description: Clear Measurements in Classic Study of Electrons

Catalog Number: (470018-432)
Supplier: Wards
Description: This box shows Planck's Constant in action.

Catalog Number: (470006-196)
Supplier: Industrial Test Systems
Description: This low-cost, portable unit instantly measures levels of harmful beta, gamma, and X radiations on its compressed scale meter.

Catalog Number: (470162-706)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Hertz electron tube for quantitative investigations of Inelastic collisions of electrons with inert gas atoms.

Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: Sturdy, smooth rolling dynamics cart, with universal smartphone adapter.

Catalog Number: (470117-778)
Supplier: United Scientific Supplies
Description: Unique demonstration of the interaction of longitudinal sound waves and transverse light waves.

Catalog Number: (470162-714)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Highly evacuated electron tube with focusing electron gun and fluorescent screen inclined relative to the beam axis, so that the path of the beam can be seen and the effects of electric and magnetic fields can be studied. The electron beam can be deflected electrically in the electric field of the built-in plate capacitor, and magnetically by using the Helmholtz coil pair (not included). By adjusting the electric field so that it cancels the magnetic deflection, it is possible to determine the specific charge (e/m) and the velocity of the electrons.

Description: Quick and easy way to show emission with cloud chambers.

Catalog Number: (470162-716)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: High quality and reliable.

Description: Modern, More Efficient Tubes for General Lab Work.

Catalog Number: (470106-588)
Supplier: Lab-Aids
Description: The properties of radioactivity and the concept of half-life determination can be difficult subjects for students to fully understand.

Description: Demonstrate the properties of radioactive decay safely in your lab.

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