You Searched For: Digital Block Heaters

With precise control functions, the digital block heaters and coolers offer repeatable results and temperature stability. Interchangeable modular blocks house samples in an array of containers, making these flexible products ideal for various applications. Benchtop and mini options offer space saving designs to free counters for preparative work. The digital block heaters may include lids for additional content security from outside contaminations. Surfaces are easy to clean in between uses for guaranteed sterility.

With precise control functions, the digital block heaters and coolers offer repeatable results and temperature stability. Interchangeable modular blocks house samples in an array of containers, making these flexible products ideal for various applications. Benchtop and mini options offer space saving designs to free counters for preparative work. The digital block heaters may include lids for additional content security from outside contaminations. Surfaces are easy to clean in between uses for guaranteed sterility.

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Catalog Number: (97011-930)
Supplier: GRANT USA INC.
Description: Compact digital block heater with fixed circular block

Catalog Number: (89260-008)
Supplier: Glas-Col
Description: The Dry Block Heater is a convenient answer for those needing a small constant temperature heater.

Catalog Number: (490017-062)
Supplier: GeneMate
Description: With its compact construction, broad temperature range, and multiple block options, the Mini Dry Bath is the perfect tool for laboratory incubations

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: Maximize valuable bench space with Thermo Scientific's compact and lightweight Dry Baths/Block Heaters, available with a variety of block size combinations for maximum sample versatility

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: Increase lab versatility with the Thermo Scientific Digital Dry Baths/Block Heaters

Supplier: GeneMate
Description: Single, double, and four block capacity.

Catalog Number: (490000-068)
Supplier: GeneMate
Description: The Mini Dry Bath is a personal sized instument that fits in the palm of your hand. Six block configurations are available for a variety of tube sizes, ranging from 0.2 to 50 ml.

Supplier: Argos Technologies
Description: Choose a heater, then blocks to suit your application needs.

Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: A microprocessor-controlled Dry Bath Incubator

Catalog Number: (89212-744)
Supplier: Lovibond
Description: The RD 125 thermoreactor can be used for the tube test digestion of highly sensitive and precise COD (150 °C), TOC (120 °C), total chromium (100 °C), total nitrogen (100 °C) and total phosphate (100 °C) determinations.

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Catalog Number: (10858-486)
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: A highly economical dry bath incubator.

Supplier: GeneMate
Description: Digital temperature control.

Supplier: IKA Works
Description: Digital dry block heaters with precisely designed blocks ensure highly accurate and reproducible results, guaranteeing short heating times

Supplier: GRANT USA INC.
Description: The PCH series of personal benchtop cooler/heaters are ideal for laboratory applications requiring cooling and heating in microtubes within the temperature setting range of –10 to 100°C (14 to 212°F)

Supplier: Argos Technologies
Description: Choose a heater, then blocks to suit your application needs.

Description: Dry baths are versitale, reliable, and designed for precise temperature control for processing precious samples in a variety of applications with 1-, 2- and 4-block models.

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