You Searched For: Counting Chambers

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Catalog Number: (10228-0050)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Slides for use with VWR® automated cell counters.

Catalog Number: (76299-416)
Supplier: Corning
Description: Counting Chamber for cell counter is a gridless slide with 0.1 mm depth same as a Neubauer Hemocytometer and comes standard with two high quality cover slip, notch for easy loading of cell suspension.

Catalog Number: (15170-263)
Supplier: Hausser
Description: Phase hemacytometer is used with a phase microscope for accurately counting red and white blood cells, platelets, dust/yeast clusters and specimens in spinal and other body fluids

Supplier: Hausser
Description: Optically ground and polished milled glass chambers are diamond etched with Double improved Neubauer ruling

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: These 3×1" slides have an indexed grid on the reverse side of the frosted end. The ink is resistant to stains and common laboratory solvents.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (89032-163)
Supplier: Diversified Biotech
Description: Disposable adhesive grid stickers are ideal for counting or measuring cells and estimating the size or length of microscopic or semi-micro objects.

Catalog Number: (100499-400)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: The Makler counting chamber is used for rapid semen analysis. It is only 10 microns deep, which is one tenth the depth of other hemacytometers, making it the shallowest of known chambers.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (100498-490)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Bright Line double ruling, 0.5 mm cell depth.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (23649-006)
Supplier: Hausser
Description: The chamber is designed for use in determining mold counts in tomato products

Description: These plastic hemacytometers offer repeatable and reliable measurements and analysis

Catalog Number: (102094-782)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Designed for counting leukocytes, eosinophils and cells in cerebrospinal fluid.

Supplier: Hausser
Description: For the microscopic examination of water or dust

Supplier: Watson Bio Lab
Description: The ready-mounted plastic cover film provides easy handling.

Catalog Number: (15170-230)
Supplier: Hausser
Description: Hemacytometer for counting cells in cerebrospinal fluid, etc

Supplier: Diversified Biotech
Description: Disposable liquid-holding wells are ideal for examining or counting tissue culture cells, yeast, bacteria, and other microrganisms.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: Double improved Neubauer rulings are diamond etched directly into a polished recess to reduce damage from scratches. Opaque surfaces above and below the counting area offer an easy focal reference. The chamber comes with a quick orientation mark for the microscope. 0.1 mm cell depth.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

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