Refrigerated Constant Temperature Kinematic Viscosity Baths, Koehler

Supplier: Koehler
K22751 K22753
37000-148EA 43867.67 USD
37000-148 37000-944
Refrigerated Constant Temperature Kinematic Viscosity Baths, Koehler
Baths Viscometer Baths
Measure flow under gravity or vacuum at precisely controlled temperatures.

Insulated steel cabinet is finished in polyester epoxy and mounted on adjustable leveling feet. Chemical-resistant top surface has four round ports for viscometer holders and one port for thermometer holder. Built-in overtemperature protection is complemented by an integrated liquid sensor, which halts power to the heaters if liquid falls below the proper level.

Units feature microprocessor PID design and two decimal calibration offset. Simple push-button controls and dual digital displays permit easy settingMore Product Information
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Model Model with extended temp. range Standard model
Environmentally Preferable
Capacity 14 L (3.7 gal.) 14 L (3.7 gal.)
Temperature Range Ambient to –70°C (–94°F) Ambient to –30°C (–22°F)
Electrical 115V, 60Hz 115V, 60Hz
W×D×H 107×89×91 cm (42×35×36") 107×89×91 cm (42×35×36")
Shipping Weight 136 kg (300 lbs.) 136 kg (300 lbs.)

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